Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My Boobie passed away at the end of November. She was 94 and lived a full life. Her life was not an easy one - she emigrated to Canada from Eastern Europe in 1935 when she was only 16. She got married ten years later and my mother was her miracle child. I wrote about her here when we announced our pregnancy with LMI. She was so excited.
My Boobie was a strong woman and I know that I get my fight from her. She taught me about love and family and I am the mother I am largely because of the values she and my other grandmother taught me. I love you Boobie.


We had our consult with the genetics counselor about testing our remaining 11 embryos. After a lot of thought and back and forth, we took the plunge and decided to test them. Ultimately, in the end, I can't live through another pregnancy (should I be so lucky to have one) where there is constant worry about the health of the baby.

They called from the lab on Friday. All our embryos survived the the thaw and the biopsy and our refrozen. The results should take about four weeks, but hopefully we can get them sooner. It is not consuming my thoughts, but I do think about it...a lot. Statistically, we should have a fair amount of normals, but this is me we are talking about and I don't fall on the right side of the stats, so hopefully we will have some. If they all come back as abnormal or no result I don't know where I will go from there. But I can't allow myself to go there now.


There are three more work days until the break. 3! Can you tell that I am in desperate need of some RNR. Happy Holidays - wishing everyone a great new year.
