Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yesterday morning I had some spotting. It was pink and very light. I wasn't totally freaked out (so weird for me), but I still decided to call OB since I was going there for an appointment for my blood pressure anyway.

OB did an internal exam and my cervix is closed, but measured 2cm - not good. Off to the ultrasound I went for a "cervical check and viability scan". Holy shit this is serious I thought.

It turns out that everything is fine. It was uterine bleeding, but so faint that it was undetected on the ultrasound. My good old friend 'dildo cam' and I were reuinited and it revealed that my cervix is much longer than anticipated (internals not as accurate) and the crisis was averted.

What was funny for me was the amount of prep that they gave me before the transvaginal exam. I explained that I have had hundreds of these scans, but they still needed to follow protocol and explain everything.

What I am most happy about was my reaction. I did not jump to worse case scenarios at first (unlike my friend who shall remain nameless ;)) and I remained calm and focused during the L-O-N-G investigation yesterday. I also found myself telling Little Miss IT (who is still a girl) not to worry and that I would protect her. Huge progress for me on the bonding issue. So proud of myself for that.

The OB could not find a reason to explain the spotting, but told me not to worry, but if it comes back to go back and see him or go to the ER.

Today I am blood free and feeling good. I'm just so thankful for another day.



  1. Whew! You keep up the great work, R. and little one!

  2. That is AWESOME news! So glad it wasn't anything serious. I had bleeding like that too - apparently it is quite common - but it is really freaky. Wonderful news, glad everything is doing well.

  3. :) glad to hear the good news. hang in there...

  4. Crisis averted indeed!!

  5. So glad that you were/are calm and things are just fine.


  6. So proud of you for reacting so calmly! And I'm glad that everything's okay.

    Our due dates must be only a few days apart. I'm 22 weeks today.

  7. Whew! So glad everything turned out just fine. The third trimester is just around the corner. :-)

  8. Good work. :) Glad everything's ok.

  9. Geeez, scary! Isn't it amazing how inaccurate internals are? So glad you remained calm, got through it, and everything is ok.

  10. So glad everything turned out well...
    And good for you for reacting so calmly and staying positive. You certainly are making good progress. Bring on the 3rd Trimester!...


  11. Hateful scare.

    Bursting with pride at your lack of freak. You retain the right to change your mind at any time however.

    I wish you 20 more weeks of perfection.

  12. I'm so sorry for the scare. I hope you have NO MORE scares! You deserve some peace for goodness sake!

  13. Also sorry for the scare. Happy everything is looking good though.

  14. urgh - sorry for the scare, but wow (!) for how well you handled it. so happy that everything was and is fine. *hugs*

  15. Sorry for the scare but I'm glad all is OK and that you kept your cool!

  16. I too am glad it was "nothing". :)

    P.S. I'm sorry I haven't commented in so long. I have been rather self indulgent. *blush*

  17. I'm glad it was nothing, and am very proud of you!
