Saturday, March 12, 2011


Yesterday should have been my transfer with the GC. I have been thinking a lot lately whether I made the right decision to cancel and not move forward with her or someone else right, I got my affirmation.

We had been going back and forth with AL over tying up the loose ends, getting the medications back from GC and other things. A. was going out of tonight to see a concert and would be driving close to her town so he was going to stop by her apartment and pick them up. Yesterday, I heard that she would be in my city at a dr and I could pick them up from her. Great, that is so much easier. So A. and I woke up early, did the 45 min drive to the dr and waited for 45 min. She.didn' After many text messages, and voice mails, we finally left without the medications only to get a text an hour later saying that she decided to go tomorrow instead. What a beeyotch! I don't know how I was so wrapped up in everything before to feel ok about her. Boy did she fool me.

Needless to say, I am so happy that I listened to my head and didn't go through with yesterday's transfer.



  1. So glad that you got a definite sign that you made the right decision. Also, she is awful! I'm so glad you didn't go ahead with her!

  2. Nice knowing you did the right thing, isn't it? Good for you!! Take good care.

  3. No question you made the right decision with that one. Nice to have the affirmation.

  4. I'm so glad you feel so good about your decision!

  5. Talk about dodging a bullet!! Yikes...who does that? I mean where's the consideration!!

  6. what a relief it must have been to realise that you did the right thing. :)

  7. Sounds like things are unfolding as they should, then. Not at all the person you want carrying your child. Instead, you get to carry your child :)

  8. Whew, sure sounds like you made the right decision!

  9. It's nice to have that affirmation so you don't have to second-guess yourself. You definitely made the decision!

  10. That is definitely a sure sign that you made the right decision! What a dummy!

  11. How awful! I hope you let the person in charge know. No one should have to go through that.


  12. Did she fool you? Maybe not. Something guided you to wait and ultimately cancel.

    I bet it feels good to get this kind of external confirmation.

    I love your story.
