Wednesday, February 23, 2011


OBs office called today to cancel tomorrow's NT scan. Apparently the dr will be out of the office or something. UGH. We are rescheduled for next Thursday. UGH UGH UGH.



  1. I'm so sorry:( All we ever do is wait. wait. wait.

    I will be thinking about you and hope that the next week goes by fast for you.

  2. There really isn't any other word, except for ARGH. Hope the week flies by!

  3. Sorry to hear this. In one way, not a huge deal, but in another way, especially for you, a way too huge deal. Hang in there, and I second everybody else in hoping time flies.

  4. Ugh! I said it out loud after reading that. Grrrr to your doc.

  5. Booooo.... Hope the time flies by!

  6. Gah - they should not be allowed to do that, don't they realise how we live for these scans? So sorry you have to wait and hope it goes by as quickly as possible.

  7. Please don't worry even if the NT scan isn't great. Our son supposedly had a thick nuchal fold, but a subsequent test showed that it had somehow righted itself, and the OB said that happens. That made me glad I skipped the amnio and the CVS. He's a healthy 1 1/2 year old.
    All these tests are helpful, but you really have to take them with a grain of salt, which, I know, is hard to do. I went through a few losses, too, and I couldn't believe that something wasn't going to go horribly wrong until he was out of me.

  8. Well that is just lame of them! I hope the time flies by!
