Sunday, April 17, 2011


No, not for a baby...for Passover! This weekend was spent cleaning for Pesach. We literally scrubbed every inch of our kitchen and removed all the wheat/yeast/bread - chometz from the house. A. was a huge help as usually I do most of the cleaning, but I couldn't do everything this year. I will admit that it is nice to have a house that has just been "spring cleaned" from head to toe.

Aside from the cleaning I also did all my food shopping. We restock our fridge and pantry with only Kosher For Passover products so it is a big deal and quite expensive, but what can you do. This afternoon I decided to get a head start on my baking so I made this. I hope it tastes as good as it looks! The only difference was that I made a crust out. Of ground nuts and sugar - no flour. I think that will be fine.

My plan for the rest of today and tomorrow is to rest as much as possible so that I will be all set for the Seders. I think back to last year and remember gearing up for my DE FET and how filled with hope I was. I am in a much different place this year, but the feeling of hope is still there. As I reflect on the meaning behind Passover - when God brought the Jews out of slavery - I feel that I too was brought out from my slavery. My IF plagued me. It brought out the worst in me and took me to dark sad scary places that I didn't know existed. I continue to be scared to death every day for this pregnancy, but am also extremely grateful that I am finally in this place. Today marks 19 weeks, can you believe it? I still can't.

To those that celebrate I wish you a Chag Sameach - Happy and Healthy Passover.



  1. Oh...Lemon Merengue Pie is my favorite!! Its been a while since you posted that you have the recipe! So glad your house is nice and clean. Us Christians need a good excuse/holiday like the Jewish community to clean the house. Happy Passover to you! So love the analogy of IF/slavery...that's quite intuitive thinking! Next weekend is Easter so looking forward to some of Grandma's cooking!

  2. That pie looks delicious! This will indeed be an extra special Passover for you - yes, the parallel to being released from slavery is profound. Have a wonderful celebration!

  3. 19 weeks?! Wow, time flies. Chag sameach to you and A.; enjoy!

  4. Chag sameach! 19 weeks!!! Did I miss the big ultrasound report? Passover is easy for me because I can't eat wheat anyway. The problem I will have this year, and why I won't partake with a huge group tomorrow - is that I don't want to wait forever and then have little to eat. I can't eat matza and I won't be drinking wine... Tuesday, I will do the phone seder with my family in another state since I can't travel there. It will be nice though. Hope you don't have to wait to long to eat...

