Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You Tube

When I am home with not much to do, I spend my days surfing the net. I am a bit of a junkie that way. I have recently gotten in to watching You Tube videos and I have found quite a few that speak about infertility. A. has come home quite a bit lately and caught me crying and sometimes laughing to these videos. Here are some of my top picks and I hope you enjoy.

**Please note that some of the videos are emotional by nature and anyone feeling raw or vulnerable may want to skip.**

1. Pregnant women are smug - great for a good laugh. I am dying to send this to my fertile friends, but not sure if they would find it as funny as I do.

2. Egg Donor Child- this video is a must see for anyone going through or considering egg donation. It is an interview with a child who was conceived through egg donation.

3. My Aunt Jane Knows More than my RE- a commical song about those WTF comments that fertiles say.

4. A Year in the Life of Infertility- a woman's story told through the song Season of Love from Rent.

5. I'm Here Without Baby- facts and information about infertility.

6. Wedding Dance- this has nothing to do with infertility, but I just LOVE it. It makes me smile every time I watch it.

If you have other videos that you think I (or others) would enjoy, please share. Thanks!



  1. aw thanks for sharing. i linked a while back to a video done by a doctor who had just written a book about infertility. ill link to it here if that's ok.

    i just wanted to say thank you for all of the lovely support you have thrown my way lately. it means so much to me.



  2. I loved this post -especially the one about the donor child. It is is nice to know that they can be okay with it.
