Sunday, August 29, 2010


The Emmys are one of my favourite nights of TV. Probably because I watch almost every show. I have always been addicted to TV, but once the IF depression hit and I didn't feel like socializing with the world, I relied more and more on television. I have my go to shows that always make me forget my problems and then some new ones that I have recently just thrown into the mix, but overall, I will watch just about anything.

TV is my escape. It is the way I turn my brain (and heart) off from obsessing over my inability to get and stay pregnant. I shudder to think where I would be emotionally without it. So tonight, as I watch the Emmys, I am thankful for TV and the role it is played in my life.



  1. Hey R, I watch my share of TV too. My faves include Entourage, Mad Men, Jersey Shore (I know a bit ashamed about that one), Tudors in a few weeks, etc. But those are my standby shows right now. Hope you had a good night.

  2. Watching TV and movies can be a great distraction. Intervention is a great show that always makes me feel good I have none of that going on. It's on A & E and it is about people addicted to something. It's usually drugs or alcohol, but other things pop up from time to time. It's a documentary and you have to wait and see if the person goes to treatment and what happens. Very riveting.


  3. I love my TV too, and was thrilled to see Modern Family and Glee win some awards last night!

    That being said, I've found even the smallest hint of children or IF in a storyline sets me in a mood. Glee was hard a few time b/c of the teenage pregnancy (and then the super fast adoption at the end? Please). But overall, its an escape (along with my computer) so for that I am grateful!

  4. I didn't watch the Emmys, but I've had fun browsing photos of the stars today! I also love TV and agree that it's a great escape from real life.

  5. Watching television and flicks could be a excellent diversion. Input is a good reveal that always makes myself feel happy I've not one of these going on. It is on A & At the in fact it is with regards to individuals addicted to some thing. It's often alcohol or drugs, yet other items appear every now and then. It's really a documentary and you've got to attend if the person visits treatment method as well as what occurs. Quite captivating.Billig WOW GoldRs To Gold
