Sunday, June 13, 2010

Looking OK

I woke up this morning early. The red was gone, but there was quite a bit brown spotting/discharge. Yay for the brown. Brown is good. Brown = old. It was a good way to start the day. A. got up and took me to the clinic to get my beta drawn, that was at 9 am. It took until 1:14 pm to get the call. My nerves were out of control and I was making myself sick...literally. A. kept telling me to not stress, but really, do you think that's possible? Me neither. Beta came back today at 6092. They told me it was a good increase and to repeat the test in a couple of days. (Have I mentioned lately that I love being Canadian and having free healthcare to run as many beta tests as I want?) I am so relieved and thankful. I am still on bedrest for the remainder of today, but will go to work tomorrow as long as there is no more red blood.

Again, I would not know what to do without your support, comments, advice and friendship. Thank you.


FYI- My already large chest (34DD) is getting out of control.


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. YAY!! Glad to see things are going well.


  3. thank god! too bad you didn't get an early u/s to go with that beta!

  4. That's great news! BTW with the boob thing, I was a 36C pre-pregnancy and now I'm a 36DD so expect to go up 2 cup sizes. I've never been this big and when I go up and down the stairs, I can hear my boobs slapping away LOL.

  5. Phew! Great news. I love brown these days too!

  6. I'm so happy to see this great news!!

  7. Yikes, I just got caught up on your blog and my heart skipped a beat when I read the previous post. I'm glad that your beta was sky-high so that you could feel some relief! : )
