Saturday, June 12, 2010

Trying to Remain Calm

Around 10 am it started. Bright red spotting. Try to remain calm, try to remain calm. I wasn't freaking out completely, as I know many women experience this, especially those on the Endomteriun, but when it happens to you, you are a mess. I called my dad. He told me it was probably fine, nothing to be concerned about, stay off my feet and drink plenty of water. Ok, that's easy enough.

My sister was over as we were supposed to go out shopping today to get her some new clothes. Obviously, our plans changed. Around 11 am, the spotting turned into two clots and I had some pretty intense AF like cramps. The tears instantly came along with the irrational thoughts. I called both my local RE and CCRM. I spoke with CCRM first. The nurse on call told me this happens in 70% of their patients. Unless the bleeding is enough to fill a pad (which mine isn't), it's ok. She told me to lie down and drink lots of water. She spoke to A. and reassured him, but I was still very worried. Around 1:30 pm my local RE called and gave me the same instructions and told me to come in for a BETA test tomorrow. This freaked me a bit.

So for the rest of today and tomorrow I will be lying around and taking it easy. The cramps come and go in waves, but the spotting/bleeding seems to be getting less and less.

I just really hope my pregnancy journey is not over. I was just starting to believe this could be real. Was I too optimistic too soon? Any words/stories of encouragement would be so appreciated.



  1. Sending prayers right now hun!

  2. I'll be thinking of you.


  3. ugh what a pain in the ass! i can only comfort you by saying that IVF pregnancies bleed more than regular ones and almost everyone i know who had IVF and got preg has been through this. i know that doesn't make it any better, and i wish i could help you feel more confident. please know that im thinking of you and A and im sure things will be totally fine tomorrow.

  4. I've been lurking on your blog.... Congrats on your BFP!! I was rooting for you all along but haven't posted yet. Just want to say that with my successful IVF pregnancy I had bleeding- lots of bright red much more than spotting. I thought for sure I was going to miscarry. Everything was ok. I have had two miscarriages since and did not have bleeding at all with those. A good friend of mine did IVF and had a ton of bright red bleeding and huge clots...and everything is fine...she's due in September. What I have been told is that the cervix is very friable (bleeds easily when pregnant).... I think you will be ok!!!

  5. It's not over! I think you just need to do just what you're doing--rest up and drink lots of water and try not to stress (yeah right) and I'm sure the number tomorrow will be through the roof. Hang in there--sending you calming thoughts.

  6. I lurk on your blog. I and another friend both had periodic first tri bleeding. Both pregnancies were fine. Would come and go every couple weeks.

  7. I am thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you! I hope that you are able to get some reassurance today. Why can't this all be just be simple for once. Hang in there...

  8. Oh, honey! I am so soooo so sorry you had this frightening experience. It is one I know all too well, and would not wish on anyone. I hope you can get an u/s tomorrow (today?) too. It is way common (although no one tells you that until after you've had a full-on panic attack in your bathroom) and is not the end. Rest, stay hydrated, and hang in there. Keep us posted.

  9. First I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Second I'll echo what some of the others have said, bleeding is very common in IVF pregnancies. Keep your feet up and keep drinking that water!

  10. You'll be fine!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! :)

  11. I had bright red bleeding throughout my first trimester and I blogged about it starting here:

    It is terrifying and I get that. However, believe CCRM when they tell you that it happens very frequently. I am living proof and I had two healthy baby girls and I made it so hang onto that. When the bleeding happens, just put your feet up, lie in bed and pop into the TV something funny like Friends or an episode of How I Met Your Mother to take your mind off of the spotting.

    Keep us updated and I'm sending you "don't worry" vibes. :)
