Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Plan

The bleeding has now turned to very very light spotting and may even be changing colour to brown. Yay. I think what I am going to do is go and get my hormone levels checked as originally planned and speak to my RE. This way, I can explain the bleeding episodes and if she thinks I need an ultrasound, then I will have one.

A. has a pretty bad cold and he went to bed early last night. I didn't wake him when I discovered the bleeding. I did wake hime this morning. I am a realist to a fault and he is an optimist to the same degree. He is convinced everything is fine (I so want him to be right, this time) and that an ultrasound is not necessary. He has a really busy day at work, and of course he would come with me in a second if I needed him, but he thinks I am worrying for nothing. Now, with the almost gone spotting, I tend to believe him.

I hope I am not making a big mistake by forgoing the ultrasound.



  1. I'm sorry things are so stressful! Hoping for a break for you soon.

  2. Yay! Glad the spotting has slowed and I hope it turns to brown. It is so stressful to see that and I never stopped checking my underwear every time I went to the bathroom....right up until I delivered. Hang in there and I hope that your RE sneaks you in for an u/s!

  3. So sorry about the bleeding but I'm glad things have eased up. I'm really surprised that your RE isn't giving you an u/s. If you're comfortable with that, great! But if you would really feel better with one, insist on it! Whatever makes you feel better.... :)

  4. I am thinking of you girl! I hope that the levels come back and reassure you that all is good. I am wishing that you didn't have to deal with any of this. It's just not fair! Hugs to you.

  5. Oh my and I are so alike and your A and my A are so alike! But just hoping for some happy news today. Apparently the heart beat starts at week 6 gestation...if it hasn't started that's okay too...that's just a guesstimate but it should start any day now according to my doc. But for once I'm going to be the optimist (I'm a realist too...) and say that all will be fine!!

  6. Totally in my thoughts and prayers... :)
